I do believe that this decision will have an impact on the BSA. The Boy Scouts have abandoned a traditional organization for the newly revised edition. Everything seems to go back to money. We hear the slogan "Follow the Money." Apparently, it is the indicator of all things. Boy Scouts, for many years, were the epitome of all things wholesome and traditional. They usually met in churches, synagogues or other community centers. They raised money through sales of popcorn and other products. Then all of a sudden, the BSA were funded heavily by large corporate donors, etc.That's where the problems began. Once, any organization or individual becomes dependent upon handouts, they are at the mercy of the donor. The BSA became dependent and then when funding is threatened to be taken away, they give in to the demands. I find it sad. Boy Scouts should return to the days when they did their own funding by raising the necessary monies needed and remaining an independent organization.