Recent Posts by Joyce Krawiec

I'm shocked, shocked I tell ya'. Media usually ignores blunders by Democrats. We know that everybody makes mistakes and they shouldn't be a big deal in most cases. President Obama has had some real doozies. Remember his pronumciation of "Coreman" instead he said it as it looks "Corpsman". That was a huge blunder on national…
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In this instance he was appealing to mostly Democrat voters. But he also appeals to the young Republican voters. At CPAC, he was well received and won the straw poll and the young voter population was extremely high. I believe Senator Paul appeals to the young people from both parties.
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This should serve to remind us that we live in a dangerous world and there are many who would do us harm. Sometimes we become complacent and start to feel secure and then these reminders happen. Israel is in a constant state of being reminded since they deal with terrorism regularly. They are much better…
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This is so exciting. I say "Go For It, Kerry". If you really want to finish ticking off the American voter, keep it up. Republicans are on a roll and we should just get out of the way and let Kerry and his conspirators in Congress "self destruct".
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That's quite a lineup. Conservatism Reigns. The top three are staunchly conservative and will most likely push a conservative platform. I believe any of these 4 could be a viable candidate for our nominee in 2016. Sarah Palin also left the door open.
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Governor Brewer should protect religious freedom. As Americans, our rights come from our Almighty God. Government has a responsibility to protect those rights, plain and simple. As Governor, Jan Brewer should exercise her authority as Governor of Arizona and her responsibility to protect the religious liberties of the citizens.
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Violating the Constitution is "lawlessness". So I would say that's a fair analysis by Sen. Cruz. The President appears to think he is an "imperial" President and can do whatever he wants without the input from the Representatives of the people. That, in my opinion, is lawlessness. Our Constitution defines how our Republic works and…
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No surprises... the president will say what he always says... the rich are getting richer and the poor is getting poorer. You'll never hear him say that that gap has widened significantly on his watch. He will also say that the minimum wage needs to be raised. This is a job killer, but that's irrelevant…
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These comments are just amazing. Why is it that liberals think that African Americans must be group thinkers and can't have independent thoughts? Those of us who are white are not monolithic, nor could we ever be, but somehow the black community is supposed to all think alike. Obviously, the "thinking alike" is supposed to…
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Liberals always think government is the answer to all problems. They don't understand that government is the problem and not the solution. Women have suffered more under the current administration than previous administrations and liberal policies are the reason. Liberals seem to think that women only care about birth control and access to abortion. When…
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