Category Archives: Daily Q&A

More demagoguery! A very useful tool, BTW.  Castro convinced Cubans that high school graduates needed to go into the interior areas of Cuba to help teach people how to read and write.  He didn't tell the people, that the illiteracy in Cuba at the time he took power was less than 3%!  So thousands of…
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Much of the money has not been spent!  No Congress can force a succeeding Congress to spend money and there is a lot of unspent authorizations in DC. Obama is wrong that we have already spent the money and the GOP wants to default on the bills. The House should refuse to raise the debt…
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I find it interesting that the President who so talks against school bullying sure know how to use the tactics.  I guess we will have 4 more years of Chicago-style politics.  Hope we can all afford it.
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This "saving one child" bit is so typical of liberal thinking, but so irrational.  We might get rid of cars and save lives too.  And, it is a big mistake to keep raising the national debt.  The answer clearly is to cut spending.
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When a President threatens to take away rights granted to citizens by the Constitution he is asking for trouble.
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At President Obama’s press conference on Monday, his demeanor was arrogant and offensive. It looked like a controlled temper tantrum.  He believes that his reelection proves that the people agree with the direction he is taking this country.  His no negotiations position on raising the debt ceiling should concern everyone.  In addition, with his comments…
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President Obama is a real con man. He talked his way over the fiscal cliff without cutting a dime. Now he is screaming about needing more money. There will never be enough money to satisfy his spending appetite. There is a lot more at stake than paying bills and he knows it. He manufactures one…
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It would seem that the surest way to save a child's life would be to have the criminals turn theirs in and, like Switzerland, advocate the arming of law abiding citizens. As far as the debt ceiling, he will not deviate from his agenda.
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I think this is only the beginning.. Working women are going to get harder hit in all their expenses..gas, food, childcare! It is only going to get a lot harder to work. BUT hey...that's what Obama wants..go get entitlements !!!
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As far as the new tax rate on high income women (and men), the thing I really resent is that it is all about class warfare and punishment. That is absolutely no acceptable reason to change the rate!!! Give me the hard facts of how the rate would positively impact our economy, not using the…
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