Category Archives: Publisher’s Keystone

Jolie’s Decision Shines Light on Breast Cancer’s ‘Time Bomb’

Jolie’s decision shines light on breast cancer’s ‘time bomb’ BY KAREN FLOYD Posted: Saturday, May 18, 2013 12:01 a.m. As published in The Post & Courier I was a child when my mother told me she had breast cancer. She explained that she was going to have an operation and that when she came home…
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Jenny Sanford to the US Senate?

Rumors are rampant about Sen. Jim DeMint’s replacement after his announcement that he will leave the Senate to head the Heritage Foundation. This is South Carolina, where politics can turn on a dime, and the rule is, “There are no rules”. Conventional wisdom has it that the one person central to the mechanics of replacing…
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South Carolina: Expect the Unexpected

Senator Jim DeMint’s announcement early this morning that he will leave the Senate to head the Heritage Foundation left many loyal activists feeling a profound loss. He is an icon amongst both South Carolina’s grassroots Republicans and the Tea Party, commanding standing ovations at his every appearance. For many outside this foray, Senator DeMint’s departure…
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Women shop, now choosing Mitt Romney

Hurricane Isaac to Hurricane Sandy represents an eternity, particularly in politics. For our 16-year-old twins the month of August signaled a birthday, a new grade, later curfews and changes in their driving permits. For those in my office, it was planning for and implementing the launch of Her New View (an initiative to elevate GOP…
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Does Michele Bachmann belong in Congress?

Double standard? Indeed, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann has  appeared on several late night shows, been the cover of magazines, and a featured speaker at rallies around the too has President Obama. Perhaps a more telling question might be, has the president's appetite for the spotlight and polarizing reputation overtaken his ability to serve the United…
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Vice Presidential debate: Who won?

The benchmark for measuring the vice presidential debate winner is which candidate excelled in his ability to connect with and energize his targeted audience. While Vice President Biden successfully communicated to the Democratic base, so too was Congressman Ryan formidable in his ability to appeal to the undecided, independent voter. Read More
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Obama vs. Romney: Who won?

The debate was won by the candidate best able to sway " the undecided voter," Gov. Mitt Romney. The benchmark for measuring the debate winner was two-fold; the candidate who excelled in his ability to connect to this targeted audience, and the candidate with command of the issues the undecided voter deemed critical. Throughout the…
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