This story is upsetting for several reasons. Of more concern to me than the teacher's situation, is the fact that the school system is asking such questions. No doubt, this is most likely a part of Common Core. That's a very serious situation for another day. The teacher was perfectly right to teach the students that they have a right not to answer the questions that deal with criminal behavior. What a wonderful opportunity this was for him to teach about the Constitution. The school district should be applauding him for his ability to look for the chance, such as this, to teach our founding documents. This is a disturbing pattern of controlling what our children learn. I am reminded of recent stories where a teacher was fired for giving a student a Bible. Think about that. A teacher can give condoms to students, teach them how to use them, refer them to an abortion clinic and be praised for assisting their students. But give them a Bible. Oh No, can't have that. In another case, a teacher may be fired for sharing a Bible verse. A teacher could share almost anything that most of us would consider immoral and there would be no consequences, but is not allowed to share a Bible verse. I find this incredible. There's something really wrong here.