Common Core is a disastrous intrusion into our education system. Some states are now trying it from educators and local school boards. This is a top down, one size fits all approach. Instead of having great innovation from all 50 states and the thousands of local school boards, we have mandates coming from the Federal Govt. and we are experiencing the "dumbing down" of our society on a national scale. The approach of Common Core is to teach our children about the "global community" and the benefits of the "village". America has always been about "individualism" and the idea of "success if you are willing to work for it." Common Core stresses just the opposite. It teaches our children that they are one small part of the universe and the goal is to work to improve the "whole" community. In America, we have always taught our children that in America, we are free to choose our path in life and those choices will determine our future. Common Core focuses on "community" and your role in the community. It stresses environmentalism, as well as other views, as a way to change the world.  This system is socialist, by it's nature, and it was a terrible mistake for us to adopt it.

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