As with most things pushed on us by bureaucrats, "Common Core Education" seeks to reduce learning to "measurable objectives," robbing creativity and individual differences in the classroom. Our schools continually try to make improvements,, but they are missing the bigger picture. We have a cultural problem in this country which began with another educational term, "Humanism.," that has elevated humanity as the ultimate source to solve all of our problems. And now, we are seeing the results----a drug dependent, disrespectful, and narcissistic society that has no room for God and biblical standards on which we were founded. And so, man continues on an endless search to make education better, only to keep failing.
As a retired public school teacher, I would recommend any parent who possibly can to seek private education or do home schooling. While I know this is not possible for everyone, at least it will help some of our kids achieve a more quality education. Common Core is just another window dressing for an unsolvable problem.