Recent Posts by Nancy Farley

The senate candidate, Bruce Braley, will never be treated as badly as Dan Quayle because he is a Democrat.  With that said, I can accept poor spelling much easier than poor decisions as most of the Democrats have proven through the years.
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The EPA has turned into an aggressive organization more interested in "power/land grabs" than it is reasonable protection of our natural resources.  As in so many areas of government it begins small, appearing as a good thing, before looming into a monster that slowly eats away at freedom in one way or another.
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You know, I am not sure what Obama is up to or what deals have been made in light of his comment several years ago when he said to the Russian, "I will have more flexibility in my second term."  So, who knows what he really wants to happen or what is actually going on…
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Obama is a huge basketball fan, so even in the midst of a crisis I guess he can still think about the brackets.  Of course, I want to put my dearly beloved Kentucky Wildcats in the championship game, but based on their record that would require a small miracle. However, it just so happens that…
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The lesson is that we are living in a far different world than that of our parents and grandparents, one that requires adjustment in our thinking.  There is no privacy and no real security even when strong measures are taken.  The nation Israel has been a target  over the centuries, both in Biblical times and…
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If the election was legitimate, then it should stand and let the people decide their destinies.  However, I fear they are being misled into thinking that reuniting with Russia will create some sort of utopia----echoes of Adolf Hitler and his empty promises.  Russia is not our friend, and as one Russian said, "We are the…
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What a miserable waste of time, money and effort.  This whole climate change is a hoax, and now so many reputable scientists are agreeing.  However, this is not about saving our planet; it is about their wanting to gain control of our lives.  Wake up everybody!!!
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We can hope that it means the GOP will be victorious in the fall, and this is what I have been hearing from so many others. However, Kentucky is a key state to watch.  Right now Mitch McConnell is losing in the polls to a strong democratic candidate. I hear Kentuckians say they believe that…
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This is absurd just like the gun law.  It is time to focus on the mentally ill and their possession of guns since most of the killings are committed by those in this particular group.  Perhaps we should all stop and take a look back to Germany in the 1930's, and then we would really…
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It is difficult to say who the nominee will be as history has proven how things can change so much in a few months/years.  In the past, the person with the early lead usually falls behind and another candidate emerges.  As far as the platform, I think it will include shrinking the government, lowering taxes…
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