Joyce Krawiec






After 140 years of Democrat control, NC was in a pretty big mess. The Republican Governor and Legislature decided to do the responsible thing. They are moving toward paying the Federal Government the money that we owe for the unemployment benefits and not to expand medicaid. The Federal Government always dangles a pot of money out in front of the states and they can't seem to say NO. NC was no exception. Our former Governor took everything offered and left future generations to pay the bills. Well the bill is now due and under Republican leadership, it will be paid back. The "Moral Monday" crowd has gotten lots of attention. I think if the Democrat party has been reduced to protests on Monday, about being fiscally responsible, led by the likes of Rev. Barber, I'd say we've done a much better job in NC than we thought. Rev. Barber and his crowd, were chanting at today's rally, "Let the people Vote." I think he was referring to the Voter ID laws that will go into effect. My answer, "Rev. Barber, the people did vote. You LOST." Now get out of the way and see what real Leadership looks like.

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