Scandal after scandal?  I don't know that it is as much "the state of things" in a particular branch as just an Administration that doesn't seem to care...about National Security, about Defense, about America being a Super Power for good in this world.

General Schwarzkopf did such great things for his country; he was such a hero.  I just want to thank him for his service, and may his family be comforted during this time of loss.

I also think of our "Greatest Generation."  A WWII veteran sat behind us at a local fast food restaurant the other day.  My brother-in-law spoke with him for a few minutes and thanked him for his service to our country.  The man said that the nightmares had never gone away. Wow! This man has lived over 60 years with the effects of serving his country during war.  He has hardly spoke of it--just considered it part of his duty.  He was proud of his service.

There are service men and women today who feel the same way, who have served in war time and honorably served, that come home and face the same types of nightmares, etc., from their service.  I think the sadder thing is how this Administration treats them.

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