Discuss the Foreign Policy of the GOP Candidates

Voters are looking for more than words. They want a clear vision backed up by a discernable plan. Vague platitudes like, “America must continue to lead …” or “We must have resolve to do what is necessary …” will not cut it.

For instance, on the issue of taxes and spending, what has traction right now is Herman Cain and his “9-9-9” plan. Whether you agree with the numbers or not, what he has offered is a clear vision backed up by a plan that people understand. As commander-in-chief, it is critical that the President do the same regarding foreign policy. imgres-10

To date, I think Gov. Huntsman has done the best job of that. He has a clear vision of an America that is less interventionist militarily and more powerful economically. An American military that may have fewer ground troops, Cold War-era weapons systems, and remote, budget-busting installations around the world, but yet is more nimble, more efficient, and more attuned to the latest and best intelligence available.

To accomplish this, Huntsman has articulated a clear plan. It starts with first focusing like a laser on making America strong at home, because you can’t be strong in foreign affairs if you are not strong domestically. Second, while other candidates are playing from the old playbook of adding more troops to support massive ground armies, Gov. Huntsman wants to redefine the purpose of our military to be able to deal with the multi-dimensional threats we face today, threats that are not necessarily tied to any one nation-state. And finally, Gov. Huntsman has said we should NEVER intervene militarily unless there is a very real threat to our security and we have a very clear goal.

For instance, Gov. Huntsman believes that a nuclear-armed Iran is completely unacceptable. A nuclear-armed Iran clearly presents a direct threat to American security, and the goal would be clear. This vision for foreign policy and clear plan to back it up separates Jon Huntsman not only from the GOP field but from President Obama.

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