Category Archives: Stock Rally

I am embarrassed by how the government has to prop up its own irresponsibility.  At some point, the market will not rally with QE dollars.
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Well, as long as funny money lasts....
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I was not surprised to hear the news as our economy, regardless of what Obama might say, is still pretty much in the tank.  This is why they would not make a change at this time.
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People need to understand America’s fiscal condition is a complete illusion.  This might be good for the stock market, but everyday Americans are seeing inflation in food and energy prices taking more money out of their pockets.  We have less money for discretionary spending, which is hurting small businesses that depend on us to purchase…
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The stock market going up does not reflect the true economic situation.  Increasing the money supply ultimately must cause inflation making everyone's money less valuable.  This will especially hurt retired people who cannot sit tight with safe investments if inflation is coming.  Printing more money will force seniors to put their money into more risky investments to keep pace with inflation.
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