I believe the unintended consequences of the new tax rate (less women in the workforce and/or reduced hours worked) are that fewer tax dollars will be added to the federal coffers. As an owner of a small business myself, I would like to ask the Obama Administration, "How much more do you expect us to…
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Typically all tax rates affect the higher income earning individuals - and since women have professionally followed thru with similar male challenging jobs, it is evident that this group would suffer the salary taxation level However relevant to taxation & taxation write-offs, a solid CPA Accountant or JD/CPA Accountant would be able to assist in…
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The new tax rate will negatively impact everyone.
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I'm not sure if they are working just for the money, or if they are working because they love their profession. Guess it depends on how they answer this question. As a working professional, it would not have caused me to leave my profession.
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All part of the Regime leader and Democrats War on Women. Hard working taxpayers are going to continue to see their take home pay decrease more and more now that O has been reelected. He will make the most grabs over these next two years while he thinks he has the chance.
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The age of misinformation once again hides the real war on women.
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On its face, I have mixed feelings about the question. On the one hand, it would be devastating for small business female owners like me. On the other hand, it may get some women back home, taking care of their children and paying attention to their families, which right now, is in as bad shape…
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Everyone who pays taxes will have some major decisions to make, and married professional women who are typically considered the 2nd income earner in the family, will be hit hard. The fewer people in the work force, the less revenue the government will receive. Unintended consequences. Watch out, folks. The economy really isn't rebounding.
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I have recently made that decision myself, and it wasn't even from being a "high-income" earner; it just made sense. You might as well call it a "marriage penalty" that is paid in the tax code, and until that is resolved, many of us will continue to make career choices liberals don't like. There is…
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Women in the workforce, whether working in the home, from the home, or elsewhere are always the hardest hit by changes in the economy. This particular issue shows us that the laws of physics (natural law) apply to economics as well as fiscal situations: For every action there is a equal and opposite reaction. Some…
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