This is typical of journalism today. Completely irresponsible and focused on an agenda rather than reporting. I'm not familiar with this publication but I'd be willing to bet they have never run a list of criminals convicted of stealing weapons or even a list of any criminals convicted of anything publishing their home address. They…
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This kind of surprised me – I thought the crooks would go rob the houses where they now knew there weren’t guns!
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Typical liberal media - absolutely no concern for their actions. They know better but their actions/opinions do not apply to them.
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Can they file complaint against newspaper if proven why they a target?
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Obama has now shown his true colors and we can begin to see what lies ahead for our country in the next four grueling years of his presidency. He will have his way. The President will go around Congress with Exectuive Order regarding Gun Laws. My opinion on Gun Laws is that we could make a new…
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He really does totally disregard the Constitution doesn't he?!? His true colors are showing now.
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No financial advisor would suggest to any individual or family who is trying to control their debt to raise the limit on their credit cards as a viable solution. Yet that is what the President is recommending - no demanding - for our country. That is a bandaid, not a solution. If the President wants…
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Obama is continually breaking the law and is not being held to account. The Republicans need to man up and insist the law be followed. Obama is wrong about the debt ceiling. Obama is to honor the second amendment.
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In the history of our nation there has never, ever been a president with no regard for the US Constitution or the laws of the land. He will do exactly what he wants and will do it with or without congressional authorization. If that was not clear to Americans over the past four years, it…
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We are letting Obama set the only discussion…the Republican leadership needs to go out and start changing the discussion (with the right message). Obama is using scare tactics and lies and we are not addressing the issues. Where is our Republican Leadership?
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