Category Archives: Daily Q&A

It is really sad that the media and our President uses a Tragedy to enhance their positions and put innocent families in danger. There was no reasonable reason to list these gun owners but to bring this Journal News national coverage to build up their readership...Do they really care what happened in Newtown?? If they…
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The "Journal News" like any other liberal media, is attempting to do all it can to portray gun owners as the bad guys.  They should be personally responsible for replacing the guns that were stolen from this person's house while they apologize for printing the names in the newspaper.
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And these are the same people who would cry, "FOUL!" if anyone did a search without a warrant or didn't conduct a full Miranda rights recital for a criminal.  But it's just fine to blast the contents of a home for innocent Americans guilty of nothing but cherishing their 2nd Amendment rights.  Actually, if I…
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The whole issue was about embarrassing, exposing and endangering law abiding citizens who chose to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights.  Typical liberal agenda, and obviously, it worked.  Fear and bullying is the way in which liberals accomplish their goals.
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I think that whoever made the decision to publish names and addresses of those folks thought that they would bring ridicule and harassment to the gun owners.  I do not think that they had the foresight to see that robberies would happen.  I guess the editorial committee or editor just did not see what might…
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Apoplectic over Journal News disclosures. Predictable result. The newspaper should be held accountable.
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This is tricky.  This act presumes that all guns and gun-carrying permitted folks are a potential public safety threat.  This is the way the law handles sexual predators — publishing their addresses.   Legally obtained and permitted gun carrying neighbors and sexual predators are NOT equivalent public safety threats.  This seems like a slight bit of…
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It seems that more things which should not be anyone's business are now becoming everyone's business. And more importantly becoming the government's business. We are losing our valued privacy. Somewhere, somehow we must dig in our heels and say enough is enough.
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The tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, has gun control activists demanding stronger gun laws.  The Journal News not only printed the names and addresses of those residents who possess gun permits, they provided an interactive Google map. Their excuse is that the First Amendment gives them the right to do it.  Although…
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It is obvious that the publication put gun owners in danger and the information should be removed from the web. This is not journalism.
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