Category Archives: Daily Q&A

Put yourselves in their shoes. Then be clear to them as to why its not good for them.
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The GOP can appeal to both elderly and non-elderly women eligible for Medicaid by better communicating our message and our ideas. We have a lot of work to do to be successful at this. GREAT candidates help by speaking up and out with our POSITIVE message and our WINNING ideas.
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GOP adapt to reach women: Today the growth of our Republican Party among women depends on how we are viewed from this point on.  We need to re-brand ourselves.  We need to show what unites us not separate us. Within our Party, we have different views on certain social issues  as well as equality issues. …
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The GOP can do what the GOP has not historically been good at doing:  Don't just believe the truth.  Don't even just act on the truth.  Start to effectively ARTICULATE and COMMUNICATE THE TRUTH.  Whether the MSM is with you or against you, a good communicator will find a way to do that.  Do it…
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Republican's shown Medicaid expansion "blocking" efforts are solidly based upon evidence of high end budgetary cost coverage from each state - the three states: SC (rich in ag beauty), TX (rich much in the way of cattle land ranching), and FL (rich in mini-businesses - extended thruout USA/Int'l) are not what is truly rich in land…
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The reason women are more likely to be on Medicaid is not because we are 'poorer'.  It is because for generations, our government has encouraged the break-up of our families, giving single women more benefits and lower standards for qualification than a full, complete family has.  This is not about our poverty levels.  This is…
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We have to instill in these women the knowledge that being dependent on the government for everything deprives them of their freedom.  We should encourage them to do whatever they need to do to improve their situation, whether it be completing their education or getting a good job with a chance for a better future. …
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Wow this is tough.  When we as a nation are not facing the tough financial decisions, it is hard to expect women to be willing to forgo healthcare.  It is my feeling that Americans can be drawn into helping their nation become financially strong. We need to identify areas that are a sacrifice for many segments…
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Here is an article from the Houston Chronicle that gives a perspective that we need to hear regarding this very issue.  Basically, it says that we must put the emphasis on rebuilding the family, supporting those who are fatherless, illegitimate and divorced because of the poverty and social destruction of the society caused.  It cites…
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