Category Archives: Daily Q&A

I expect that as a conservative, we will be--if not blatantly, then subtly, mocked.   The things I hold dear as a "strict constructionist" of the Constitution will be belittled in the name of progress.  What do I expect of the President in the next four years?  He will try to break the power of the…
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I expect to hear the same demagoguery we've heard for the past 4 years.  He may refrain himself from attacking Republicans, but the intent will be there.  I expect his second term to push an aggressive liberal agenda and do everything within his power to destroy this country, unless We The People stand up and…
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President Obama has become emboldened by his re-election.  He will continue to espouse his false narrative of having made great achievements in his first term.  He will remind Americans that he made good on his promise to pass the Affordable Health Care Act, which has brought universal health care to everyone. He will say he…
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I hope to hear less blaming and pointing of fingers, but instead, a promise to work together in the upcoming battles. We need Washington to come together and fight through the problems we have ahead in the next few months.
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I don't think it will be a message of unity. The President has declared war on the GOP and he intends to wage a scorched earth policy battle with no quarter given. It's not enough for him to defeat the loyal opposition, he wants to annihilate it. And, this war won't be confined to the…
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Well, as it happened, my father wanted to hear the speech, so we watched TV this morning and heard it all. It was a good speech, especially at the beginning - even Reaganesque in places. If he really believes in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all, then that should include the unborn.…
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I expect a push for "the children" that will involve gun control. I also expect him to push paying our bills by pushing a debt increase. He'll speak of all he has done for us and ask for our help to move forward. For his next four years, he'll do whatever it takes to make…
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I expect that we will hear much of the same from the President. I do think he may be a little more specific in this speech than in his first inaugural. Rather than a laundry list, as in the past, he may have a little more targeted speech than usual. I expect that we will…
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Blah.  Blah.  Blah.  It is all just lies no matter what he says.
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Under my present circumstances, this question really hits home. I say, come talk to me and live a day in our lives for one day and they would have no problem expanding it. The first step to controlling long term costs are to provide for prevention of chronic diseases, transparency in costs, and to cut…
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