Hopefully none. Let he without sin cast the first stone.
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Hope, cynicism run high for second Obama term. As Obama speaks today we should hear his message of hope. However, he is set to begin his second term amid lowered expectations and a sense that his re-election has done little to alter the nation's fractured political landscape.
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The second term speech will be full of empty promises like his first. The jobs numbers are still poor, and the economy is not picking up fast enough but the president's response is higher taxes, more entitlement programs, plus he wants to have complete control to raise the debt ceiling to fit his needs. There…
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Reaching these ladies is a tough sell without violating our principles of smaller government and personal responsibility. Our message should be one of inclusiveness and we should try to communicate that our policies are best for all. We must stress that we want everyone to be prosperous and our goal is always to help those…
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I really do not think that the States should have to finance this with an extensive expansion (costly) of medicaid....this is not an answer or a fix...this is a bandaid.
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I honestly will not watch the inauguration or any coverage. I don't expect the President to say anything I can believe.
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I think Obama’s administration will go entirely to the “left” and there will be no cooperation with the Republicans.
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Lies and more socialism.
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I expect more lies and slick deceptions which millions will blindly believe. For his second term I expect a dictatorship.
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What will I hear? That we need to "come together" to accomplish HIS goals. What are those goals? More "fundamental transformation." I'm afraid we won't recognize this nation by 2016. Might I suggest that, when we're looking for "common ground," how about the Constitution? You know, that document you are swearing to defend.
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