Americans are forgiving and tend to let bygones be bygones; however, I don't know if how he left office last time will bow well with southerners and the already high level of mistrust that is growing across the board when it comes to elected officials. Not sure voters want to take a chance on him…
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Sure. I think they will support him. He admitted his affair and that I believe is the first step for forgiveness. Just my thoughts. He was great talking too in Charleston and spoke so highly of Republican Women
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Former Governor Mark Sanford Runs for Congress because of his belief in our country's future that is at stake if we don't get our hands around runaway Government spending. Voter gender should not have a bearing on his re-election. As Republicans we need to come together and start to look at the issues that really matter…
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I would have to see who is running against him. If he is the most conservative on the issues, then I would vote for him. He is the one that had to pay for his actions with his family and state. Why do I have to be there to continually beat him up for it?…
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Based upon the continued lack of female representation within governing USA Senatorial seats (although significant strides have been achieved USA & Internationally), it would show a directed effort for our SC political parties to seek out the professionally experienced female gender; however, former Gov Mark Sanford's SC lineage roots & governorship position experiences might halt the…
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When President Obama took the oath of office, he said : I will DEFEND & PROTECT THE CONSTITUTION. In what way is taking Away Americans RIGHTS to choose Health Insurance or Not & Making it harder for good Americans to have & carry Guns .......How is this Defending the CONSTITUTION ????????? In what way is…
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I really hope that his constituents will look at his conservative record and base their vote on that….not his personal life.
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Currently, the perception among Republican activists is that Mark Sanford is leading the pack of candidates running to replace Tim Scott. One assumes that women are polled as well as men. A Public Policy Polling (PPP) survey released last month, showed 53% of South Carolina voters had a negative opinion of Sanford compared to just…
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Mark Sanford will face some negative remarks regarding his infidelity. However, I don't believe gender will have a huge impact. The majority of voters will remember him for being a fiscally conservative Governor. He will more than likely make it to the runoff..
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If SC voters are focused on the fiscal issues facing their state and our country, gender will not play role. To his credit, Gov. Sanford has great name ID. Voters are fickle about affairs and peccadillos; voters say they are repugnant but often still support politicians who suffer from them. It is very possible he…
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