Category Archives: Daily Q&A

This cannot hurt. It can only help make the case for Keystone. Maybe more governors will follow suit. Workers (or out of work Americans) will see hypocrisy of Obama admin.
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I hope that Gov Heineman's decision will put pressure on President Obama to stop the roadblocks.  The studies have been conducted.  Obama's stalling on the pipeline construction was purely political leading up to the election.  I am worried that Obama is fired up to pursue a very progressive agenda, though, and may feel emboldened to…
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I am greatly encouraged by Governor Heineman's decision concerning the Keystone project, and I am convinced that it will be the Republican governors throughout our country who must stand against the tide of radical policy in Washington.  With this and more types of "confrontations", perhaps Americans will take notice of the fact that it is…
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Nebraska's governor may have changed his mind about the environmental impact of the XL Pipeline but the final decision will be up to President Obama. And that does not bode well for for the future of jobs and prosperity the Pipeline would bring to the state. Environmentalists are organizing protests in front of Nebraska's Governor's…
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I certainly hope so.  Energy jobs bring much needed income into communities involved.  All that will strengthen the economy and help the whole country.
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Nothing is going to happen with the Keystone pipeline.  In his 'inauguration' speech, he talked about "global warming" and how we will "lead" the world.  He is pandering to the environmentalists and he will not do anything about the pipeline.  Furthermore, he has no respect for the Constitution, so he doesn't care that a State's…
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Unfortunately no. Obama does not want this country to improve and prosper. Obama does not want energy independence from oil, coal and natural gas.
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I truly hope Governor Heineman’s approval of the Keystone XL pipeline revised route, along with the support of the majority of Nebraskans for the pipeline, will convince the Obama Administration to allow this much needed and wanted project to go forward.  The President has stated on several occasions that he is a proponent of an…
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The Pipeline is a "no brainer". It is a win win situation. The jobs that it will bring will be a tremendous boost to the economy. Not to mention the abundance of oil that it will transfer, which will increase our supply and thus reduce our cost. However, this administration has no desire to improve…
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Even though this is terrific news I am not optimistic that it will give the Pipeline new hope.  It certainly doesn’t fit into any of the Regime leader’s plans; at least not those he outlined in his inauguration speech.  He made no mention of a jobs or economic plan which the Pipeline would provide.  Being…
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