Category Archives: Daily Q&A

We don't think of women usually as serving in combat roles but I think there are many women in our military who would want to serve in combat.  I have such respect for women who serve in the military, as well as women who serve in the front lines at home as police officers and…
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Women serving on the front-line. I read that and I feel sad. Forgive me but I am uncomfortable with this. I think we women play a different role in the front-line in this world. Is this really what is best and necessary? I say no: Women shouldn't be put in this position. It does not…
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I think if women want to serve in Combat, then their ability to do so should not be limited by their gender.  Only a person's ability should limit them.
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I think a real energy solution is not only NOT a priority for this administration, but is to be avoided at all costs. The domestic energy industry is the enemy. A very convenient monster enemy that unites the left. Obama will have nothing to do with helping our domestic energy independence. Just my gut reaction…
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Thank you to Governor Heineman for his very wise approval of the Keystone pipeline.  I sure hope this decision will help encourage other governor's on the route to approve the pipeline.  This project means jobs for American workers, this is what we need!! Unfortunately I don't think the Governor's decision will have much of an…
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Tilting at Oil Drills in favor of windmills and other sources of "green"  energy.  Reminiscent of Don Quixote, who looked at windmills as the imaginary enemy, Obama looks at oil and drilling as the enemy. The reality is that our country is currently energy-dependent upon countries, some of them which have nothing but hatred for this…
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Yes it gives hope! It removes yet another obstacle. Thank you Governor Heineman!
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I don't think Gov. Heineman's ok for the pipeline will make any difference.  If you look at a map of the current pipelines crossing the United States Keystone would be just another one in many.  Keystone would probably me more environmentally sound than anything currently in the ground - due to newer products.  The President does not…
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The Keystone XL pipeline being approved thru NE is just an initiating qualifier for USA follow thru - NE should have proven after state land analysis & effects - other USA states should assess accordingly.
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The revised route of the Keystone XL pipeline through Nebraska could revive it.  However, the Obama administration has a tough choice.  Do they listen to Al Gore, global warming czar, or do they listen to the unions who are pushing for it to provide new jobs?
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