Category Archives: Daily Q&A

Act 10 in Wisconsin took us from a $3.8 Billion budget shortfall (thank you previous democrats in power) to a projected surplus of $400 Million in one two-year budget cycle. Governor Walker is the man.
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Governor Scott Walker’s passage of Act 10, which stripped most of Wisconsin’s public workers collective bargaining rights, and makes them pay into their own health insurance and pension funds. While the law has been challenged since it passed a couple of years ago, this past Friday a federal appeals court upheld the law as constitutional.
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I think I usually answer the questions here pretty faithfully, but this time, I am going to take advantage of the bully pulpit you provide us and expand the question from the past tense to the future and say what reform I would like to see her adopt. As you know, I have been working…
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My favorite piece of bold legislation is hard to choose between my two favorites. I would say either the bold reforms made by Scott Walker in Wisconsin in regards to the teacher's union. He won the battle and his state has been so much better because of it. My other favorite would have to be…
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I like many bills, but voter ID and drug testing for welfare are two favorites.
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GOP Women: Determinant Action & Decision-Making
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Our principles and values are timeless.
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Women are the Lifeline of the Party
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Liberal policies are a war on women
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The best hope for your future is smaller government and lower taxes It is a headline and must be developed.
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