H 3004 the Spending Accountability Act of 2011. A quote from the press release Gov. Nikki Haley: “We have changed the face of South Carolina forever.”
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Governor Jan Brewer has led our state and has a large number of items we are very proud of. Here are two: September 18, 2012 Announces that, after more than two years, the heart of SB 1070 can finally take effect. With the federal court’s decision to lift the injunction, State and local officers will…
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Hands-down, it's Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and his budget reforms in his state which balanced their budget and challenged the public unions. Historic and definitely bold - and SUCCESSFUL!
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Arizona's Republican Governor Jan Brewer championed voter registration reform.
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I'd have to say Jan Brewer on just about every move she's made on merely trying to enforce the law of the land on illegal immigration. Yes, they are federal laws, and yes, the feds should be enforcing them. But they're too busy suing the states that are, in turn, trying to do the job…
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The boldest act by many Republican Governors was the recent refusal to comply with Obamacare to set-up State Exchanges.
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Arizona Governor, Jan Brewer's immigration policy. This is one tough lady, and I hope she will one day run for a higher office.
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Bill Haslam, Governor of TN, education reform, tackling estate tax. TN has no state income tax and he is looking at lowering taxes where ever possible.
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Governor Susana Martinez has a particularly tough road to travel to pass her initiatives. She has a totally Democrat legislature to work with. She has a major initiative of repealing a bill that gives illegal immigrants state driver's licenses. Population polls show 70% or 80% of the voters agree with her and the legislature still…
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Governor Scott Walker was valiant in his effort to pass legislation that lessened the power of the Unions, and get his state on the right financial path. Most people would have folded under the pressure of the protests, but he held strong. He is a shining example of a Republican Governor.
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