I am personally offended by this bill and find it repugnant that Marco Rubio, of all people, would join with Liberals and RINOs on this (although not surprised since HIS family didn't leave Cuba running away from Castro). My family and I left our country running from COMMUNISM, and did not come to this country…
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Immigration reform must definitely be addressed. We do need to create some way to legitimize those who are here, but we also must make sure they are fully supporting themselves. Border security must be addressed before anything else is put into place. If they are not working and being contributing members of society, they must…
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I have heard Marco Rubio's plan for immigration and if this legislation turns out to be close, then I think it will work. But based on the general statements at the press conference, I am wary. The idea of a probation period for those that are already here is great. And a 12-15 year period…
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Before ANY steps can be taken to address the illegal population in the US, the borders must be secured first. If that is not done, then Congress will fail to address the root of this problem. Then the path to citizenship can be addressed, but there should be a penalty for those who entered the…
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As the old saying goes, "the devil is in the details". I am reserving judgement until I see the final product. However, the fact that Democrats are pushing Republicans in this direction and the fact that it appears that there is "amnesty" included, then I have a problem. We've been here before.. Done that already,…
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While I am never one to want to reward lawbreakers for breaking the law, we have ignored this situation for so long that I don't see any way to realistically put this dragon back in it's box. I would be more open to the idea if we truthfully and effectively secured all our borders, effectively…
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The Cherokee County, SC Republican Party heard Sen. Graham today at lunch. He and RNC member Glenn McCall spoke at length about the immigration issue. What I heard made sense, especially the part about making sure we knew who was here and why; for example, making sure those with student visas really were students and…
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As a nation we need to have a comprehensive immigration policy moving forward. Yes, we need to better secure the borders. We also have to realize it is probably impossible to deport all the illegal immigrants who are now here. I do not know all the details of the bipartisan Senate proposal but what I…
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I think passing legislation that will allow states to be Right to Work States, as well as the legislation Governor Scott Walker from Wisconsin has passed to limit some of the powers of the unions, are very important pieces of legislation. Considering how much power Mr.Obama has been giving his union friends we need the…
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Scott Walker and his bold stance against the unions.
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