Category Archives: Daily Q&A

I applaud the Governor for recognizing that taxpayer money comes from the taxpayer. Better that excess funds go back to the taxpayer than to increase government spending.
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Fantastic!  Wish he were my governor!
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I love it.. After all, the money belongs to the taxpayers since their claim is that they earned it in the first place. Taxpayers should only be liable for the amount of money that it takes to run the government. Obviously if there is money left over, the government overcharged and the taxpayer deserves a…
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I think the Texas Governor has a good idea.  Texas is a state that is doing a good job at recruiting more businesses, providing more jobs for their citizens, and is more fiscally responsible on spending. If they have a surplus and want to return that to the taxpayers , why not!   I hope…
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I think Governor Rick Perry is one of the best Republican Governors in the United States. I love his "bold" ideas and commonsense approach to things.  He is one of the most normal and down to earth politicians I have ever had the opportunity to spend time with.  To me it is just amazing that somewhere in this country…
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Bold?  That should be standard procedure.
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I love it! I applaud the concept and the courage! What an unselfish leader.
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I think that is what Republican Conservatism should be all about!  It is not the State of Texas' money.  It is the Texas' Taxpayers' money! If the State of Texas can take care of its citizens, provide all the services and security that they are required to provide by law, then any extra money should…
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I say NO to this immigration proposal ... this is just a quick way to give the Dems what they want..... give amnesty for votes.
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