The bold proposal to amend the Texas state Constitution to allow the state to return excess tax revenue to the taxpayers is a win-win for the people of Texas! Governor Perry has a great understanding regarding who the extra tax revenue truly belongs to! The people of Texas should be very proud, and I am…
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I applaud this action, but I'm sad that we've come to the point that what is simply a commonsense and morally upright action appears to be "bold" and unusual to our present-day senses.
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I think that people might be willing to overlook a few gaffes from a former presidential campaign now...
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It actually sounds like a workable solution to a huge problem.
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I'm all for giving money BACK to the people!!!
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Perry took money from the rainy day fund for infrastructure. If he had left the rainy day fund alone, the money would have grown to the maximum limit with the overflow going into the regular budget. It could have balanced his budget, instead of cutting education and other departments. Once all was fixed, then cut…
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Well, I at least liked his proposal to use some of the "Rainy Day" fund for Water and transportation infrastructure. Texas needs to plan for those water shortage years that are sure to come again. As to returning the money to the tax payers that paid them, I do not feel comfortable with an opinion…
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I am always hesitant when anyone wants to amend an existing constitution, whether it be federal or state. I would have to see the details of the plan, but I believe a reduction in future tax rates or fees for a period of time would be a better way to reduce excess taxes and draw…
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Brilliant! This type of thinking shows why we should all be Republicans! Governor Perry understands that tax money belongs to those paying taxes NOT the government, therefore elected officials should be good stewards of that money, spend it respectfully and not spend one cent more than is absolutely necessary.
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It’s sad that returning people’s money to them is considered “bold”.
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