I think it shrank because new manufacturing was virtually non-existent, as company owners are holding off on new investments. Trillions of dollars are outside the country due to our high corporate taxes and if that simple measure was taken - to reduce our corporate tax rates to be competitive with the rest of the countries…
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The economy shrank because of Obama and his job-killing policies along with "Obama Care", the threat of higher taxes and the refusal of this administration to implement more cuts in government spending. These things are a recipe for failure, and there is no one to blame but Barack Obama and his liberal cohorts.
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The economy has shrunk because businesses have had no confidence on what was going to happen. Businesses don't know how much our taxes will go up, how much Obamacare is going to affect them; we are not hiring people because of Obamacare, the taxes, the "fiscal cliff" etc. Right now you never know when you…
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Regulations and instability have paralyzed business owners and prevented them from hiring. Other businesses have had to choose to pay fines instead of employees. And consumers are saving money because they might be let go from their jobs.
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Because the "polls" don't reflect the reality of people's everyday lives. Also, the positive numbers before the election were incredulous...so... I guess now they are moving toward reality.
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It shrank because business owners are downsizing in preparation for more taxes being levied against them. They are being punished for employing people.
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Artificial support for dollar, manipulation on interest rates and mega trillion dollars debt due to excessive spending.
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The economy shrank because the current administration is doing everything wrong. You do not create good jobs by increasing the government jobs payroll. Small business owners are afraid to create new jobs because the government is increasing regulations and putting pressure on the very people who can help to create jobs. You also don't raise…
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Mr. Obama was re-elected so the uncertainly would continue.
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The economy shrank because so many people are unemployed or underemployed. The unemployment numbers have never been as optimistic as the reports show. Too many have left the work force and are no longer counted so the numbers have not reflected the actual numbers of people who are not working. Of course, President Obama and…
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