Category Archives: Genetically Modified

I don't believe genetically modified seeds of any kind should be allowed. I don't trust what the developers are doing to it.
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Since I'm not knowledgeable about genetically modified crops my first question would be how did it get there in the first place? Was it an entire field or was the genetically modified wheat mixed in with the regular wheat? I'm uncertain how this affects exports unless this type of wheat is banned. Guess I have…
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Not aware of particulars. The one thing I would want to know is who discovered the modified wheat and what the feds are doing about it. Is this against a law of marketing a product unsanctioned by the agency or developing the wheat in the first place? Why do farmers think it will hurt their…
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Well, we have doctors that want to play God, scientists who attempt it, and now farmers...Why can't they leave well enough alone. It seems every time someone starts messing with what God has made good, it ends up with bad side effects. Leave it alone!
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I am not a fan of GMO food and food products.  Maybe they are on to something in Europe, for once, banning these.
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I have been following GMOs for quite some time and the fact that the FDA permitted them to be introduced into our food supply in the early 1990s without proper testing is alarming.  During the Clinton administration, Michael Taylor of the FDA allowed recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) in our milk without testing, declaring it…
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Not sure what to think of this. I'm waiting to see who has been in charge of this harvest. My guess is that it will lead to someone who worked for Monsanto at the time and has now begun the process of growing the wheat on their own. I will be interested in seeing how…
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