Category Archives: Budget Paying Tools

I shared this on my Facebook today from the Comical Conservative.  Only one side is at the table, frankly, only one side has the adults in the room.  My caption was "Wow."  It certainly is NOT comical!
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I take it, Secretary Lew is trying to get the American people to call their Congressman and beg them to "raise the debt ceiling" so he can borrow more from our children's and grandchildren's future? When more than just Republicans show up at the negotiating table to do what Congress is supposed to do, then…
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So sad to be "out of tools" when our leaders knew this was coming so long ago.  When most families get "out of tools" they start severely cutting the budget, doing away with waste and anything that is not absolutely necessary.  Raising the debt limit is only putting off the inevitable.
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Probably true since they have been artificially propping up our dollar and our economy with quantitative easing for years.
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Since there is no relief for the tax payer during the shut down,  tax dollars will continue to roll into the federal coffers. He should be able to pay interest on the debt and that is about all we can handle with the revenue in a down economy anyway.
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These scare tactics are getting tiresome.  Raising the debt ceiling only allows the government to increase its out of control spending.  Perhaps being out of tools will force Congress and the President to looks at ways to reduce spending.  Passing a budget would be a great start!
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Once again, Democrats fear monger and threaten in order to continue the spending that will bankrupt this country. The US Treasury takes in approximate $250 Billion per month. The interest payment is $30 Billion per month. It's not rocket science. You handle the nation's finances just like families do. Prioritize the things that must be…
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So if US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew would only tell us what ‘tools’ he is lacking.  Is he saying ‘money’ is a tool?  Well, honey, there are a lot of us that could say we are ‘out of tools’ if that is the case!
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