Recent Posts by Janis Holt

We are only a keystroke or two away from the same mistakes as Mr. Braley. Take the fast-paced world of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and then add the "wonderfulness" of autocorrect, these things happen. I don't see why it has made the national news. Could it be, just like during the time of Dan Quayle…
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Israel has been and always will be this "wound" to which the president of Iran refers. It is our responsibility, as a friend to Israel, to stand up against tyrannical governments who endeavor to wipe out entire civilizations. The partnership between The United States and Israel must always remain strong.
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As the daughter of a WWII veteran who flew over Normandy providing air cover on D-Day, I believe it is a slap in the face to WWII vets and to the family members who lost a loved one on that day 69 years ago.
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This treaty is just another way for The Barack Hussein Obama II Administration to circumvent the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. The United States needs to get out of the U.N. and the U.N. needs to get out of the United States.
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As the daughter of a World War II veteran, I was taught early about the importance of honoring the memory and sacrifice of those who gave their lives in service to our country. That heritage drives me today to honor that sacrifice by standing up and fighting for my country and the values for which…
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This is such a non-issue.  What a bunch of whiners...they didn't get a chance to have a photo op with Tiger Woods, so now they are mad.  Then they throw it under the umbrella of "lack of transparency."  Why don't they spend that time learning how to be journalists instead of spin writers!!!
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To have unlimited authority to kill an American citizen, whether here or abroad, just by giving that citizen a label is a dangerous precedent and is just one more instance of this Administration making a power grab. It is unconstitutional and a violation of that individual's rights, as an American citizen, to due process. In…
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Chris Kyle, the most lethal sniper in the U.S., had 160 confirmed kills. He enlisted in the Navy in February 1999 and was discharged in November 2009. He had four tours in Iraq under his belt and received 14 different awards and decorations, including two Silver Stars, five Bronze Stars with Valor and two Navy…
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In my opinion, the economy shrank due to the lack of leadership in the federal government. Liberal policies will always lead to poor economic growth. Business owners are still hesitant to hire because of the uncertainty. Our country is quickly becoming a place that is unfamiliar to its own citizenship. Policies MUST be implemented that…
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Texas citizens (of which I am proud to be) have been calling for more conservative actions like the one Governor Perry has proposed in his "State of the State" address which was delivered on Tuesday. For a long time now, Texas has led the way as a state that implements conservative values for its citizens.…
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