Having worked with lower income folks, for many years, I have heard stories of people selling their foodstamps for cash and other commodities - nothing terribly new. Apparently now, in Obama's America, 1 in 7 are on food stamps. I, for one, am glad that the Republicans are trying to separate this massive program (known as SNAP- a relatively new name for this food stamp program - who knows how much the name change and accompanying paperwork cost taxpayers, but I digress) from the farm bill- perhaps now the issue of fraud can be more adequately addressed in such a bill.
This, however, is really no different than people sharing their housing choice vouchers or people in public housing units allowing others who are not on their lease to share or pay the leasee to live there. One woman recently told me that her friend gave her an "Obamaphone"- because she already had one.
Truly, this is the fleecing of the American taxpayer.