The hypocrisy of the left is unfathomable.  Paula Deen utters a racial slur years ago in a private conversation and her life is destroyed.  But Minnesota Representative Ryan Winkler (D) sends out this Tweet after the Supreme Court decision this week on the Voting Rights Act: “VRA majority is four accomplices to race discrimination and one Uncle Thomas.”  When conservatives called him out on it, he said he did not realize “Uncle Tom” was a racial slur, apologized …and apparently that is the end of it.  It seems to me that if uttering a general racial slur directed at no one in particular many years ago is reason to ruin someone’s life, then a Harvard educated lawyer and four time elected congressional representative who took the time to type and Tweet a racial slur directed at a sitting Supreme Court justice should also suffer some repercussions.  But then, I guess I will never understand liberal logic.

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