The schools are doing too much without parental notification or approval.  I live in Florida and have been following some of these incidents.  This scanning of irises is purported to be for their safety.  I understand we are entering a new age of identification technologies.  My biggest concern is that the parents are not being made aware prior to this being done to their children.  Locally a teacher allowed a representative from the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) to speak to a group of AP history high school students without parental notification.  They have also been administering “voluntary” federal testing to students in elementary school without parental notification.  If parents are not advised when these tests are being given, how can they opt out, especially if it is voluntary?  All of these things should require notifying the parents and allowing them the option to participate or opt out, but they are not doing this.  The government is inserting itself between parents and children in too many ways.  They believe they know better about how, when, and what do teach and do with our children.  Parents need to insist on being involved in their schools and make it a point to attend school board meetings and their children’s classrooms.

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