I respect Jeb Bush, and I do want to (we NEED to) reach out to Hispanics.  But I don't know that it's wise to have another Bush in the White House.  Again, I believe it's an honorable family; I only think that it begins to look like a dynasty, and I'm afraid that stereotype is already too "out there" in the public's GOP image.  Also, I don't believe that Jeb has quite the take I have on a "road to citizenship" for those who came here illegally.  I'm not even saying that I'm not open to it eventually with the following stipulations:  1.  We secure the borders first.  (We don't talk about securing it.  We don't promise to secure it.  WE SECURE IT.  FIRST.)  2.  No one who came here illegally gets one step ahead of those who have been legally waiting in line.  Because I seriously doubt either of these first two will happen, I remain skeptical about such a path.

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