Obama should refer to his wife, who in a recent interview, called her temporary home "the People's House".
Public officials use this threat so often when they don't get their way:
ETV Presidents wail that they "can't afford 'Sesame Street' when donations or government funding lags; no one ever threatens to cut "Washington Week".
School Superintendants (and Arne Duncan) despair that teachers will be fired and children will suffer when education budgets (along with all other budgets) are reduced, but it's strange that superintendents, administrators and bureaucrats are never included in those cuts. My, how the children would then suffer.
And the dozens of staff positions that NEVER existed before the Obama Administration are not even mentioned as being on the "chopping block", but janitors and secret service will suffer a cut in pay. This shows that President Obama is fine with the American People suffering as long as he and his family don't have to.
This should be an "Ah HAH" moment to all voters.
President Obama's cancelling of public White House tours has finally revealed to the general public and media that he is guilty of the "petty politics" that he boasts he is above.
The White House is a symbol of our enduring Democracy - the temporary residence of Presidents that replaced the lifelong castles of kings that we fled from, so of course we wail when when the People's House is taken away from "the People."
This finally shows Obama's true nature: he thinks he is King and should get his own way.