It's all about due process….We can tie the response about the unmanned drones to the wiretapping of American citizens….
"All wiretapping of American citizens by the National Security Agency requires a warrant from a three-judge court set up under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act." Click here to read more.
This is not limited to wiretapping Americans on American soil -- this applies to Americans anywhere based on constitutional protections and the protections of due process.
So, if the government wants to listen in on the conversation of an American citizen, a court order is essential.
If the government wants to kill an American citizen with a drone, such due process is not necessary?
If due process is threatened for any Americans anywhere, it is threatened for all Americans everywhere.
Due process of law is the ultimate protection against arbitrary and capricious government tyranny against its citizens . . . without which, as here, government official can just decide to kill you.