I like what I read about it. This is something that must be done but I don't think it is prudent to rush into anything. The discussion has begun and the legislation will be presented in the Senate in March, as I understand it. In the meantime, I do have a similar concern as that of our state's new senator, Ted Cruz. On the pathway to citizenship, he released this:
"However, I have deep concerns with the proposed path to citizenship. To allow those who came here illegally to be placed on such a path is both inconsistent with rule of law and profoundly unfair to the millions of legal immigrants who waited years, if not decades, to come to America legally."
I know citizenship must be addressed for those without criminal records and after conditions are met, I am just concerned about any jumping ahead of those who are going through the legal process. That process, by the way, needs some serious overhauling, too.