Governor Brewer should not sign this bill. It would open the state up to challenges of it being a discriminatory and unconstitutional law. The government must stay out of any such laws imposed on businesses. I assume what prompted this was the cake companies and photographers in several states who refused to provide their services for the marriages of same sex couples because of the owners’ beliefs that marriage should only be between one man and one woman. So far it appears that the state courts are ruling in favor of the gay and lesbian couples and forcing these companies to provide services even though it goes against their religious convictions. We need to be very careful with such laws as the progressives continue to force this and other issues on society in their effort to further divide the American people. They are deliberately targeting businesses they know will refuse them service, then crying discrimination and taking them to court. Aren’t they also guilty of discrimination by targeting businesses they know are owned by people who hold “sincere” religious beliefs? I am sure there are cake companies, photographers, and other businesses who would be delighted with their business. In a truly free market businesses can choose to provide or deny services to anyone. Let the market decide who wins and who loses. What has happened to freedom in America? I believe the backlash and unintended consequences of such a law would cause even more challenges and issues. Arizona should not pass this bill.