Laura Rambeau Lee(1)The youth of America are drawn to Rand Paul, and his father Ron Paul, not so much for his conservative and Republican values, but more for his libertarian leanings.  It seems more and more apparent as we hear from libertarians that their live and let live philosophy lacks a moral compass.  It is much easier not to stand on principles than to be thought of as un-cool or a traditionalist.  Our youth have been indoctrinated with moral relativism and are taught to accept what anyone else chooses to do as their personal decision and their right.  This can be dangerous, as we see with the decisions to approve marijuana use in Colorado and Washington and acceptance of same sex marriage.  These choices and policies will undermine our society in a very short time.  College students are idealistic and perceive libertarians as anarchists, not small government conservatives.  It seems too many people are no longer willing to stand on the principles that made our country great.  Rand Paul would make a great Secretary of the Treasury, but not president.  We need a Reaganesque candidate to run in 2016, someone who will restore our vision of America as the last great hope for mankind.  It may be the last chance we have.

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