Laura Rambeau Lee(1)This past Sunday Trevor Loudon spoke to our South Pinellas 9.12 group.  Trevor is from New Zealand and has spent over twenty-five years researching and documenting the socialist and communist ties of dozens of our elected officials in Congress.  Trevor is the author of The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists, and Progressives in the U. S. Congress, a follow up to his earlier work, Barack Obama and the Enemies Within.  He was the one who tied the man and mentor referred to as Frank in Barack Obama’s Dreams of my Father to Communist Party USA member Frank Marshall Davis.He exposed President Obama’s Green Energy Czar, avowed communist Van Jones, which led to his expulsion from the White House.                                                                                           

It is not just Americans who are concerned that President Obama does not appear to grasp the very real threat of Putin’s actions in Crimea and Ukraine.  Countries around the world are seeing what is happening and looking at our leadership, and they are “freaking out” according to Trevor.  The communists see our weakness and are flexing their muscles everywhere.  China is expanding its reach into the South China Sea and Russia under Comrade Putin seeks to rebuild the Soviet Empire.

I do not follow basketball, so I do not have a pick.  It appears I am more concerned about events unfolding around the world than our president.


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