Laura Rambeau Lee(1)In 1978, the year my daughter was born, the first “test tube” baby, Louise Brown, was born in England.  Questions arose at the time about man playing God.  It was such an historical event in scientific advancement I was not sure how I felt at the time.  Thirty five years later and I have known several couples who without the benefit of this technology would not know the joy of becoming parents, nor their parents becoming grandparents.  Every child is a blessing, a gift from God, a link to our own immortality in a very real way.  Like so many other scientific advancements there is the potential for good and bad.  It could bring a child into the life of a couple who would otherwise not be able to have children.  We have to be very careful how we decide who receives these unused embryos and I would like to see the biological parents involved in this decision.  One would hope they would consider the best interests of their child in determining who should receive this gift.

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