Laura Rambeau Lee(1)American women need to realize that the progressives and the government have created the current American culture affecting women.  Since the Johnson Administration and his Great Society, government has created a culture of victimhood and dependency for women and minorities.  We need instead to empower women.  Girls and women must understand that they are responsible for themselves and their families.  They must be taught that the foundation of our society is rooted in the family.  They need to understand that in order to improve their opportunities in life they must finish high school and not have children outside of marriage.  These two issues alone make all of the difference in their lives.  If a woman finishes high school and marries before having children her chance of living in poverty dependent on the government is about two percent.  American women have unlimited opportunities that women in so many other countries can only dream of.  Maria Shriver is doing a great disservice to American women by perpetuating this idea that government can solve all of our problems.  It would be great if someone would step forward and deliver a positive message to young girls and women about the unlimited opportunities we have in America instead of reducing them to unwitting victims who need the government to provide them free birth control and abortions on demand, all in the name of “women’s reproductive health care.”  Growing the government is not the answer. Our growing government is destroying America.  The answer is personal empowerment.

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