Laura Rambeau Lee(1)When Congress passed the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) of 1976 it specifically exempted ammunition. They did not want the act to be used as a vehicle for gun control.  Neither is there any scientific proof that lead in bullets is harmful to the the health of humans or wildlife as the animal rights and environmentalists would like us to believe.  This is clearly an effort on the part of the federal government through regulations handed down by the Environmental Protection Agency to implement gun control.  They have not been successful in passing gun control legislation, so this tactic will limit the production and availability of ammunition.  The federal government has been purchasing billions of rounds of ammunition which will also limit the availability and drive up the prices of ammunition.  Our Second Amendment rights are being violated by these illegal actions of our federal government.  Where are our representatives who have taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America?

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