Any version of the corrupt ACORN being involved in government at all is scary.  Their radical roots seem to be passe these days.  They successfully dismantled American culture and government through illegal means, fear mongering, and race baiting.  I don't trust ACORN or their affiliates in government, including the president.  ACORN wasn't simply a community organization trying to help the poor, for which the president worked as legal counsel.  They routinely broke the law and undermined ethical and traditional American values.
ACORN closed in 2010 after serious federal offenses, for which they were cleared, but lost their federal funding and private support.  Why are our taxes going to these groups, anyway?  Besides the fact that we are carrying almost $17 trillion in debt, community organizations should raise their own money.  What a waste!
ACORN technically doesn't exist, but their leaders have reorganized and work for the U.S. executive branch.  Health and Human Services has given $67 million in Navigator grants to help consumers with the controversial rollout of ObamaCare. (  More money wasted.
HHS claims that employees are trained to be unbiased as they assist consumers with the exchanges, etc., but who seriously believes former ACORN leaders and members are unbiased?  I'm not unbiased, but I doubt they will hire people who admit to opposing the ACA.  ACORN members and the president's former colleagues are guaranteed jobs.

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