So glad there are real Tea Party conservatives adhering to and standing on their commitments to the American people who elected them.  The government can shut down; at this point it is incompetent to the point of being dangerous.  They have spent a considerable amount of time devising a scheme whereby they can say they voted to defund Obamacare and yet allow it to be funded.  This is fraud and they are criminals and should be charged and tried for their unconstitutional acts.  There should be no more extensions for spending or raising the debt ceiling until they do their job and pass a budget.  The people in Washington, D.C. continue to pass onerous and crippling laws and regulations but have not performed their basic and essential constitutional duties.  The people are not being served, our trusted servants are not protecting our interests.  Selected segments of the populace and corporations have been exempted or their lawful compliance postponed from the “Affordable” Health Care Act while the majority of individuals must begin to obtain health insurance coverage October 1, 2013 and have it in place before January 1, 2014 or face fines.  This arbitrary approach by presidential decree regarding who must comply and who receives deferrals or exemptions should invalidate the entire law.  Obamacare must be repealed. This is no way to run a government or a country.

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