In my opinion any money spent on the issue of climate change is a waste of taxpayer money. A special committee specifically to support the role of women in combating climate change is not a good way to spend taxpayer dollars.

If the current administration really wants to help women around the world, lets do a better job with job training and teaching skills to help low income women or women in poor countries become more self sufficient,  work on improving the economy or  get real private sector jobs to get more women back to work. The hoax of climate change dose not want to go away, and now the message is let's prepare women around the globe for this catastrophic event?
 There are so many more issues in the world that are much more critical.  The State Department needs to spend more time working on lots of other problems like fighting  terrorism, protecting our citizens who work in foreign service, working together with other countries for solutions on problems we can solve or maybe even trying to find out what really happened on September 11, 2011 in Benghazi.

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