I'm confused. Then again, not. The way Benghazi was handled was, after all, phony through and through. A phony reason for our ambassador to even BE in Benghazi. Phony excuses for not going to the aid of our men. Phony labeling of terror attacks as "protests." Phony explanations on the talk show circuit for the cause of the "protests." Phony accusations against America (AGAINST America!) at the UN, rather than accusations against those who dared attack Americans. Phony promises that we'll "investigate," "get to the bottom of this," and "pursue justice" for those who were killed. Phony investigations... NO investigating at all, in fact. Phony interviews with eyewitnesses. Phony (no I guess these were REAL) threats against any witnesses who would tell the truth. And on and on...
Same goes for the IRS targeting conservative groups. What's phony about it? Certainly not the scandal itself. That is very real. It is the phoniness of pretending it's all phony. And the phoniness of the media playing along.