It is ironic that a man who heralds from the violent and crime filled city of Chicago would think that a private citizens right to protect themselves should be lessened instead of strengthened. He knows the fact first hand that the city of Chicago is reducing the right of the private citizen to protect him or herself and that this is leading to more deaths than ever in that windy city.
As we know, the President has permitted Mr. Holder to make these statements as it reflects the position of the POTUS. The POTUS is all about taking away the right to concealed carry and the right to own guns so one need not be surprised.
I do think that the black community should not be spoken down to. They are capable of responsible and intelligent decisions. I heard some of Holder's speech and tried to feel like one in the audience. I thought he treated the convention like they were people to be led and soothed along. He did not talk like he would were he addressing a mixed race crowd. Al Sharpton does the same when addressing the black community. However, he also presents himself as rather wild and lacking a reasoned position.