I can't improve on the statement from Gary Glenn, President of the American Family Association of Michigan:

"We regret that the court upheld the decision of one openly homosexual judge to overturn the vote of millions of California voters, including 70 percent of black voters in that state, to define marriage as only between one man and one woman.
"We also regret the court's opinion on the federal Defense of Marriage Act, which was enacted with overwhelming bipartisan majorities and signed into law by President Clinton.  Five unelected lawyers purport to overturn the vote of hundreds of the people's elected representatives in Congress and the White House.
"Unless Congress exercises its Constitutional authority to ignore the court's opinion, Americantaxpayers will be forced to pay for hundreds of millions of dollars in increased federal spending to give spousal-type government benefits to the new category of beneficiaries the court thinks it has the power to force Congress to legally recognize.  We hope Congress refuses.  If not, this will be yet another instance in which tens of millions ofAmericans are forced to violate their conscience by subsidizing behavior they believe is immoral and wrong.
"We also fear the increased threat to the religious liberty and rights of conscienceof individuals and churches who may find themselves joining the ranks of Christian photographers, bakers, florists, bed and breakfast owners, and churches across the country who have already been sued and fined thousands of dollars for refusing as a matter of conscience to service homosexual "weddings."
"We agree with Justice Antonin Scalia that the Supreme Court has "no power under the Constitution to invalidate this democratically adopted legislation.”http://www.floridatoday.com/viewart/20130626/NEWS01/306260044/Supreme-Court-clears-way-Calif-gay-marriages-strikes-down-federal-provision
"We agree with Thomas Jefferson, the first Democratic Party president, who said the Constitution does not give five members of the Supreme Court any more power to decide what is and is not constitutional than the president or Congress, and that allowing the court that power would be a 'very dangerous doctrine' and a threat to our liberties.
"We agree with Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican president, who said that if the Supreme Court is ever allowed the power to instantaneously make law in all 50 states, affecting all Americans, we no longer have a government of the people but instead have surrendered our entire government to five unelected lawyers.  Thankfully, the court stopped short of an illegitimate attempt to strike down voter-approved marriage amendments in Michigan and 30 other states in one fell swoop.
"And we agree with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who said we have a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws, which he defined as any man-made ruling that is at odds with God's laws, and that refusing to obey a law that our conscience tells us is unjust is in fact showing the highest respect for law.  Again, tens of millions of Americans believe that any ruling that legally recognizes so-called homosexual "marriage" is at odds with the definition of marriage offered by Christ Himself: "For this reason shall a man leave his father and his mother and cleave unto his wife."  And that wasn't a multiple choice question."

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