Allowing this pill to be purchased over the counter without parental knowledge or consent is a very bad idea on many levels. Who will be responsible to monitor and check the identifications of young girls purchasing the pill? I expect this will also be available at Planned Parenthood facilities. Will they be responsible to check the age of a girl requesting the pill? I am not sure many 15 year old girls even have an identification card they would be able to provide to prove their age. Selling the Morning After pill over the counter will enable girls of any age to buy it, or the men who wish to purchase it for the girls. In many states it is a crime to engage in sex with girls as young as fifteen, and this would mean that a rape may have occurred. A man having illegal sex with a girl could buy this pill and give it to her to avoid an unwanted pregnancy without her parents discovering that a crime has been perpetrated on their daughter. Do we really want our daughters to be left alone to try to deal with such a traumatic issue as a possible rape and unwanted pregnancy? In addition, what are the potential and possible side effects of taking this pill? What if she takes more than directed on the label? Who will be responsible for this if something happens?
There is something wrong with allowing a young girl to purchase a Morning After pill without a prescription and without knowledge of a doctor or parent, but I need to show a pharmacist identification to purchase cold medicine.